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CSS loader generator fully customizable

IMPORTANT, PLEASE READ BEFORE USING THIS LOADER GENERATOR : This free loader generator is proposed by Wifeo, fully available for personal and professional use. To use this CSS loader generator, choose the style you love and then you will be able to customize it.

And as usual, if you want to tell your visitors that wifeo provided to you this beautiful loader, we would be very happy ;-)

1/ Customize appearance of your loader (loader #39) :

Preview before customize :

Colors :
• Color 1 :
• Color 2 :

Preview changes on demo
2/ Generate scripts of your awesome CSS loader :


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Creative Commons License
CSS loader generator fully customizable by Wifeo is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at //www.wifeo.com/free-css-loader-generator.php.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at //www.wifeo.com/contact-wifeo.php.