Qui êtes-vous, et quelle est votre formation ou votre métier ?
I developed strong interests in ecology and evolution while taking my science courses. I decided to do my first research project in a department that aims to mitigate problems associated with mosquitos and to conserve wetland areas using selective mosquito control measures. My curiosity turned to the exciting subject of intragenomic conflicts.
Quelles sont les origines de cette passion ?
My interest in genomic conflict grew and I developed the ambition to place my questions in a more ecological view, I decided to do a PhD on very interesting and ecological important organisms, arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF), a group of coenocytic fungi known to harbour genetically different nuclei.
Dites-nous en plus sur cette passion ?
My interests were to 1) understand how evolutionary forces act to maintain this amazing genetic structure and 2) what are the ecological and evolutionary consequences of these forces following a change of environment. To answer these questions I used several approaches, including molecular tools, as well as in-vitro and large greenhouse experiments with fitness-like trait measurements.
Quel est l'objectif de votre site (ou pourquoi avez-vous décidé d'en créer un) ?
With this site I will speak about science, my science and science in general. I want to explain in what exactly consist the work of a researcher, what are the advantages and inconvenience of applied and fundamental science, the different grant opportunities with useful links and advices. I want to help other researcher or people thinking to do research by sharing my own experience in the field
Aimeriez-vous faire de cette passion votre métier ? (Est-ce possible ?)
yes! it's possible but It will be hard because there are not a lot of position available
Quelles évolutions prévoyez-vous pour votre site ?
I want to share more tips and infos about how to have a grant or a job in science