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Art to escape

- book - oil paintings - seascapes - food
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Qui êtes-vous, et quelle est votre formation ou votre métier ?

I am a self-taught french born artist living in Ireland

Depuis quand pratiquez-vous votre art, et quelles en sont les origines ?

Creating art has always been for me a way to escape the world around me, to forget everything, relax, dive into my creation and tell a story. As a kid, I would draw and write, however, when I entered high school, I abandoned art to concentrate on my studies to get a job which would bring me comfortable income, and at the time, art wasn’t part of the equation. Years passed and I made myself busy as a scientist, living and working in different countries in Asia and Europe. However, living without making art didn’t make me happy. I had millions of creations in my head, but going back to art, finding the time and the courage was not easy. It took several years and attempts before I finally could create again. When I came back to it, I found comfort and stress release. It is only my creation and I. Time moves forward without being noticed. Worries, anxiety just disappear.

Vivez-vous de votre art ou avez vous un autre métier (et si vous n'en vivez-pas, aimeriez-vous en vivre) ?

In the next few years, I wish to inspire art buyers and collectors all over the world by creating meaningful art full-time, expressing my views and feelings of the world around me through various connected media.

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